Let Out (Inanimate Urine TF)
As a novice secret shapeshifter, the inanimate arts tempted you. So much so that you laid out a cup on your school desk when no one was around, composed your mind, and dissolved your physical state into pure water to fill the cup to its brim. This was only going to last a few minutes as you practiced being a fluid, but the worst happened—some girl came into the door, and you couldn’t undo the transformation without revealing yourself to her. You thought staying as this object would be fine, but out of nowhere, she felt thirsty and laid her eyes on you.
“I mean, this should be nobody’s water…?”
She drank you whole, with no time to transform back and explain the situation. With nowhere to go, you let yourself be consumed and prayed to come out safely. You passed several internal systems until you finally entered her bladder, having mingled with her other liquids.
Your form became tainted, no longer pure fresh water. Instead, you reeked of pale yellow piss sloshing in her bladder, both hot and uncomfortable. When her inner muscles twitched, and the sounds from the outside grew quiet, that’s when you knew you were getting let out. You came out murky, smelly. She sprayed you out with a look of embarrassment. Then, she cleaned herself and sprinted back to wherever she was headed. You left her urethra deprived of any decency, just a shallow puddle of inhuman urine on the side of a building, a warm stream not a single person would think had a very guilty conscience…
Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101724371
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