Moral Gift (Sorasaki Hina AR/TF/TG)


“Learn how to be moral and upstanding!” Was the order you received as a delinquent from school for Christmas. Not one to listen to anyone, you didn’t care and continued your little naughty streak of disobedience.

But things were different. After a petty crime, you felt a little guilty. Your body felt smaller and frailer as you returned what you had stolen. You looked a bit younger now, whites at the ends of your hairs and a gradual purple entering your eye color.

You tried to cuss out a student and bully them, but your mind stopped you. Instead, you calmed yourself down and apologized. The changes to your body came naturally. With girlish hips jutting out and a hairless, pale skin tone, that student swore you looked mean and more refined + feminine. You dismissed it. Your body wasn’t changing, you were just taking pity.

Pity became volunteering. You helped out your community afterschool with trash-clean-ups. Despite your significantly smaller height, round breasts forming, youthful eyes near purple and silky white locks, people were glad to see you work so hard. You were all but unaware of the magic changes, seamlessly shapeshifting while everyone accepted the reality.

And you did, committing to studying and staying out less and eating healthy. In turn, your young body returned the favor with nice proportions for a woman, as well as a girly voice to fit your new identity. The name you had no longer suited you, so you decided to go by Hina. Why did you ever call yourself anything but Hina?

A lot’s happened since. You dedicated your school life to the Disciplinary Committee, even if people saw you as a cold. With Christmas coming soon, you dressed up, wearing white stockings, a Santa dress, and a ribbon. This outfit was for a professional party you’d attend tonight. You saw yourself as elegant, and felt proud to show off your upstanding beauty and composed demeanor.

“What a hassle. If people followed the rules, everything would be so much better.” That nice thought entered your head as you chilled on a couch.

Art Source:

play blue archive!
