Wax Elemental (Inanimate TF/TG)


Wizards are renowned for their magical prowess, especially in polymorphing and magical transformations. Those on the darker side may target unknowing thieves who venture into their manor, falling prey to a trap that petrifies their body to inanimate stone.

From there, the advanced magic is in full control. They change the material from stone to wax, much softer and easier to work with. If they’re a man, a fire spell is casted to melt down their bodies to liquid, then laid onto a mold that fancies their taste. For this thief, he was manipulated into being a candle holder. The melting actually messes with their cognition and makes them eager wax elemental as willing to be living decorations for their new masters. If anything, it wards future thieves.

Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81882920
