Nintendo Bodysuits In-Stock!


Find what suits you the most!

From crossdressing to cosplaying, we’ve got you covered. At our stores, skinsuit quality is a guarantee! This time, we’re releasing our new Nintendo set “Nicebutt” with a trio of suited up guys for show!

Starting from the right, we have Samus Aran! A popular gal since Metroid’s release, this suit is built with the athletic talent of the space hunter! Her right ass is firm, but definitely something to love! Her equally skin-tight attire is an absolute must to show off her physique. Coupled with her signature ponytail and gun, this bodysuit is an instant classic to wear for all your needs.

Down the middle is Zelda from the latest iteration of her series, Breath of the Wild! All the rave for her plump ass is warranted—at our stores, we’ve made sure to recreate only the thickest of thighs and squeezable of asses for all you Zelda fans. Her elf ears are authentic, so get used to the sound of your ass being played with on those pointy things!

Last but not least, we have Twintelle from Arms! This dark-skinned bimbo’s got maneuverable swirled hair, but nothing beats her rump! It perfectly contrasts with all the white spunk that’ll be milked from any wanting man, and you will surely not regret the feeling of being such eye candy! Being as agile as our first slot—take this skinsuit for a whirl to try something new.

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