Whenever I feel like it, I pop an X-Change Custom and get to enjoy being a girl.
X-Change’s a special pill that lets you be the opposite sex. You can find out what you look like if you were assigned male or female and grew up that way. There’s plenty of types, but most people do a Basic one that lasts for a day. Mine’s Custom, my own spin on it, that basically does the same thing as a regular one but changes a few physical features.
I love to freshen things up when it’s hot during the summer, going from a Hispanic dude to a Korean girl. It’s a nice change of pace to be a woman. My eyes go from green to brown, and I lose my tanned skin for a pretty pale one. I’m barely five foot now, so it’s a hell of a drop from a hunking six foot four bodybuilder. This bob cut looks cute on me, too. I go a lot shorter when I’m a guy. I still like to exercise, so I jog out with a tank top, cap, and mask. It’s seriously relaxing to free yourself from, well, you.
Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92582222
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